Why Is My Dog Expressing Its Glands When Sleeping?

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Veterinary Experts

Do you know what it means when your dog is expressing its glands when sleeping? If not, you’re not alone. It’s a fairly common occurrence, and there’s usually no cause for alarm. Many pet owners are unaware of the purpose of these glands and what happens when they become full. Dog expressing glands can be a messy, smelly business – but thankfully, there’s usually an easy solution.

This article will explain why dogs express their glands when they sleep and what you can do to help relieve any discomfort they may be feeling.

What Are Anal Glands, And What Do They Do?

Anal glands are two small, sac-like structures located on either side of your dog or cat’s anus. These glands secrete a foul-smelling, oily substance that is used to mark territory. When your pet defecates, the act of passing stool helps to empty the anal glands. 

However, sometimes the glands can become full and need to be expressed manually. The glands can also become impacted or infected, which can be very painful for your pet. If you notice your pet furiously licking behind or scooting along the ground, they may be trying to relieve discomfort caused by anal glands.

If you are concerned that your pet may have a problem with its anal glands, it is best to consult with a veterinarian.

Why Do Dogs Express Their Glands When Sleeping Or Resting?

Why Is My Dog Expressing Its Glands When Sleeping?
Why Is My Dog Expressing Its Glands When Sleeping?

When your dog rests or sleeps, they may sometimes express their anal glands. This is normal behavior, and there are a few reasons why your dog may do this. First, when your dog is resting or sleeping, they are often in a position that puts pressure on their anal glands. This pressure can cause the glands to release a small amount of fluid if they are full.

Anal glands are two small sacs next to your dog’s anus that hold a foul-smelling substance. This substance is used as a way for your dog to mark his territory and leave his scent behind. When your dog expresses his glands, he’s releasing this stinky substance onto whatever he’s lying on. This would help mark his territory and keep other animals away in the wild. However, for domesticated dogs, it’s just a way to communicate with other dogs and let them know he’s been there.

Expressing the glands may help your dog to feel more comfortable or relaxed. In some cases, dogs may also express their glands when feeling anxious or stressed. It is possible that your dog was probably having a nightmare which caused the expression of the gland.

However, If your dog is frequently expressing their glands when sleeping, it may be a sign that something is wrong with their anal glands, and you should take them to the vet for an examination.

How Can You Tell If Your Dog’s Glands Need To Be Expressed?

You can tell if your dog’s anal glands need to be expressed if he scoots his bottom along the ground. When the glands become full, they put pressure on the nerves around them, which can be uncomfortable. Scooting is your dog’s way of trying to relieve that pressure.

You may also notice your dog licking his bottom more than usual or chewing at his fur. If you suspect that your dog’s glands need to be expressed, it’s best to take him to the vet to have it done. The vet can check to see if the glands are full, and expressing them is a relatively simple procedure.

However, if the glands are not emptied regularly, they can become impacted, which can be painful and may require surgery to fix. Therefore, it’s important to keep an eye on your dog’s bottom and seek medical help if you think there may be a problem.

What Are Some Ways To Help Prevent Your Dog From Expressing Its Glands Unnecessarily?

The first and most important way to help prevent your dog from expressing its glands unnecessarily is by ensuring that its anal sacs are emptied on a regular basis. This can be done either manually or by using a specialized product designed to empty the sacs.

Secondly, you should make sure that your dog is getting plenty of exercises, as this will help to keep its muscles toned. A tired dog is less likely to be anxious or stressed, which in turn prevents the expression of the glands unnecessarily. Keep an eye on your dog’s body language and look for signs that he is feeling anxious or stressed. Try to calm him down with some quiet petting or treats if you see these signs.

Finally, you should feed your dog a high-quality diet rich in fiber, as this will also help prevent constipation.

By following these simple tips, you can help to keep your dog’s anal sacs healthy and free from unnecessary expression.

How Can I Express My Dogs Glands At Home?

Dogs have anal sacs located on each side of their anus. These sacs are full of a foul-smelling liquid used to mark their territory. While most dogs express their glands naturally during bowel movements, some may need help.

The easiest way to express your dog’s glands is to add a small amount of pressure to the sacs while gently rubbing them in a circular motion. You may need to use a tissue or cloth to protect your hand from the bacteria present in the sacs.

You can try using a warm compress to relax the muscles around the sacs. Once the glands have been expressed, clean the area with warm water and soap. Regular expression of your dog’s glands can help prevent problems such as impaction and infection.

If your dog is regularly having trouble expressing their glands or if they are expressing it too frequently, you may need to seek professional help from a vet to identify any underlying health problems with the glands.

How Often Should You Have Your Dog’s Anal Glands Expressed By A Professional Groomer Or Veterinarian?

The frequency with which you have your dog’s anal glands expressed by a professional groomer or veterinarian will depend on your dog’s individual needs. For example, some dogs will need their anal glands expressed once a month, while others may only need it every few months. 

If your dog has frequent problems with his anal glands, such as excessive scooting or licking, you may need to have them expressed more often. Again, your veterinarian can help you determine the best schedule for your dog.


There you have it. It is normal for a dog to start expressing its glands when sleeping or relaxing. In addition, dogs can express their anal glands when they become unexpectedly excited or stressed. In some cases, dogs may also express their glands when feeling anxious.

Ideally, dogs would not need to express glands in sleep if the glands are functioning as normal when defecating. However, if your dog is frequently expressing their glands, it may be a sign that something is wrong with their anal glands, and you should take them to the vet for an examination. 

The vet can check to see if the glands are full, and expressing them is a relatively simple procedure. However, if the glands are not emptied regularly, they can become infected, which can be painful and may require surgery to fix. 

You can help prevent your dog from expressing its glands unnecessarily by ensuring that its anal sacs are emptied regularly, feeding it a high-quality diet that is rich in fiber, and ensuring that it gets plenty of exercises. The frequency with which you have your dog’s anal glands expressed by a professional groomer or veterinarian will depend on your dog’s individual needs. 

If you think there may be a problem with your dog’s anal glands, don’t hesitate to take them to the vet for an examination. By following these simple tips, you can help keep your dog’s anal sacs healthy and free from unnecessary expression. Thanks for reading!

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