Why Does My Dog Freeze When I Put Clothes On Him

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Veterinary Experts

Many things can make your dog freeze when you put clothes on him. One of the most common reasons is because the clothing feels strange and new to him.

Whenever I put on clothes on my dog, he becomes very sad and goes to bed. He won’t play with toys or respond when called by name; he barely moves at all! I only see him wagging his tail after eating something tasty like bacon bits (which I think might be why she likes them so much).

I’ve tried different types of clothing and even rewards, but nothing seems to work. I think he doesn’t like the way they feel.

After researching, I found that dogs aren’t used to wearing clothes, so it can be a bit scary for them at first. In this blog post, we will discuss some reasons why your dog might freeze when you try to clothe him and ways to help make the process easier for both of you!

Top 3 Reasons Why Does Your Dog Freeze When You Put Clothes On Him:

  1. Dogs may feel anxious or uncomfortable when they are being dressed up
  2. Some dogs may not like the feeling of clothes on their skin
  3. Dogs may think that they are being punished when they are being dressed up

Why does my dog act weird when I put clothes on him?

Why Does My Dog Freeze When I Put Clothes On Him?
Why Does My Dog Freeze When I Put Clothes On Him?

This is a sign that your dog doesn’t like what you’re doing. If they are uncomfortable, it’ll show in their behavior and attitude towards the activity/item being performed.

There are several reasons why your dog might act weird when you put clothes on him. One of the most common reasons is because the clothing feels strange and new to him. Dogs aren’t used to wearing clothes, so it can be a bit scary for them at first.

Another reason your dog might freeze when you put clothes on him is that he’s nervous. Dogs can sense our emotions, and if we’re feeling anxious or stressed about putting clothing on them, they will pick up on that. So it’s important to stay calm and positive when dressing your dog so that he doesn’t get too worked up.

If your dog is particularly small or has a lot of fur, he might also freeze because he’s cold. Dogs are used to having their fur to keep them warm, so taking that away can be a bit frightening for them. If this is the case, try putting a warm blanket on your lap before you start dressing your dog. This will help him feel more comfortable and less cold.

Finally, some dogs don’t like being restrained. If your dog is trying to run away or squirm a lot, he doesn’t want to be held still. In this case, you might try using a harness instead of a collar to dress your dog. This will help keep him more secure and may make him feel less claustrophobic.

Is putting clothes on dogs cruel?

No, putting clothes on dogs is not cruel. It’s common practice to leave clothes on your dog, but this idea has several problems. Firstly dogs don’t sweat through their coats and secondly, keeping them dry makes little difference as they pant anyway for relief from the heat!

Secondly, most dogs have short hair. Short-haired pets tend to stay cooler than long-haired ones because their coats act like awnings in sunless weather, protecting them from overheating. Leaving clothes on your dog increases the risk of hyperthermia (a condition where the internal temperature exceeds ambient air).

Pro Tips On How to To Stop My Dog From Refusing To Wear Clothes

  • Avoid snug fits. It makes dogs uncomfortable.
  • Some dogs do better in jackets and sweaters that end till the shoulder rather than the elbow. Some of them despise items like hoodies, so avoid them. I know it looks very cute and tempting but consider your pet’s feelings before you put something on him that he is not comfortable in.
  • Try different materials like cotton and linen instead of wool which may itch them.
  • Give your dog a good massage before you start putting clothes on him to make him feel relaxed.
  • Start with just one item at a time, like a jacket or sweater, and then slowly move on to other things.
  • Do not put clothes on your dog when he is already feeling hot or has just had a bath, as it will make him even more uncomfortable. Dogs like to dry out their coat so avoid putting on clothes just after a bath.
  • Give your dog some time to adjust to the clothing and never force him into it. Dogs are very good at hiding their discomfort, and if you force them, they might hurt themselves.
  • If your dog has never worn clothes before, start with a simple bandana or scarf.
  • Make sure you dress your dog in clothes the first few times you do it in a positive and happy environment. Dogs can sense our emotions, so if we’re stressed about putting clothing on them, they will pick up on that.
  • It’s important to stay calm and positive when dressing your dog so that he doesn’t get too worked up.
  • If your dog is resistant to wearing clothes, start by slowly introducing him to them. Ensure that you have plenty of treats on hand to reward your dog for his good behavior.
  • Start with short periods and gradually increase the amount of time your dog is wearing clothes. If you make it a positive experience, chances are your dog will start to enjoy it too!
  • Consider getting a good trainer’s help.
  • Last but not least, get clothes that suit your climate. Dogs don’t have to suffer in the name of fashion!


Dogs may feel vulnerable when they are being dressed because it is a new experience for them. When people put clothes on their dogs, the dogs may not understand what is happening and may become overwhelmed or scared. It is important to make sure that the dog is comfortable with the clothing and not feeling claustrophobic. Dogs may also need time to adjust to wearing clothes.

So, how can you get your dog to stop refusing to wear clothes? The answer is patience, practice, and positive reinforcement. Start by slowly adding a shirt or sweater while saying “yes” in a happy tone of voice every time your dog allows the clothing item to be put on. If your pet struggles or becomes agitated, take a break for a few minutes and then try again. Reward your pup with treats and lots of praise when they allow the clothing to be put on without any fuss. With some patience and persistence, you should be able to have your dog happily wearing clothes in no time!

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