Maggots In Cats Food: What to Do If You Find Worms in Your Cat’s Food

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Written By Editorial Staff
Reviewed By Matt Cook

Veterinary Experts

If you have ever discovered maggots in your cat’s food, you know how disturbing it can be.

Maggots are the larval form of a fly, and they thrive in decaying organic matter. So if you find them in your cat’s food, taking action immediately is important.

This article will discuss what to do if you find worms in your cat’s food. We will also provide tips on preventing maggots from forming in your cat’s food in the first place!

Maggot problem in cat food usually occurs in the warmer seasons. If you find maggots in your cat’s food, the first thing you should do is remove the food from your cat’s reach.

Maggots can cause health problems if ingested in small quantity, so it is important to keep your cat away from them.

Once you have removed the food, dispose of it in a sealed bag so that the maggots cannot escape.

Next, you will need to clean the food storage area. Maggots can lay their eggs in any organic material, so it is important to clean the area thoroughly.

Use a strong cleaner and hot water to disinfect the area. You may also want to consider using a fly trap to catch any flies in the area.

Finally, you will need to take steps to prevent maggots from forming in your cat’s food in the future.

Maggots are attracted to decaying organic matter, so it is important to keep your cat’s food fresh.

Store dry food in a sealed container and wet food in the refrigerator. You should also regularly clean your cat’s food bowl and storage area.

What Causes Maggots In Cat Food?

If you’ve ever found maggots in your cat’s food, you’re probably wondering how they got there. While it may seem gross, it’s a fairly common problem you can easily remedy. There are a few things that can cause maggots to form in cat food, the most common being improper storage. 

If cat food is left out in the open, flies are attracted to the strong smell and lay their eggs in the food. The eggs hatch into maggots, which then begin to feed on the cat food.

Another common cause of maggots is storing wet cat food in the refrigerator. When moisture condenses on the surface of the food, it creates an ideal environment for fly eggs to hatch.

If you find maggots in your cat’s food, don’t panic. Instead, throw away the affected food and make sure to store future batches properly.

With a little care, you can keep your cat’s food maggot-free!

How to Prevent Maggots In Cat Food

If you’ve found maggots in your cat’s food, you know how gross and icky it can be. But don’t worry; there are some simple steps you can take to prevent this from happening again. 

  • Make sure you’re using high-quality cat food appropriate for your cat’s age and health needs.
  • Buy food that is packaged in individual servings to avoid leftovers.
  • Store the food in a cool, dry place and seal it tightly when not in use. Use air-tight sealed containers to store the food.
  • Feed your cat regularly and dispose of any uneaten food promptly.
  • Clean your cat’s bowl regularly with hot water and soap.

By taking these simple precautions, you can help keep your cat’s food maggot-free.

Are Maggots Harmful To Cats?

While maggots are not harmful to cats if consumed in small numbers, they can cause health problems if your cat ingests a large number of them.

As per Merck Vet Manual, maggots will pass through the digestive system of cats undigested and generally do not pose any problem.

Cats are known to ingest maggots as part of their grooming activities or eating meat infested with maggots.

Maggots can carry bacteria that can sometimes cause vomiting and diarrhea in cats. If you think your cat has eaten a large number of maggots, contact your veterinarian immediately.

How To Stop Maggots From Getting Into Cat Food!

It’s an unpleasant surprise when you open a can of cat food and see little white worms wriggling around. But what are these creatures, and how did they end up in your cat’s food?

Although they may look dangerous, maggots are harmless to cats. They are the larval stage of flies and most likely got into the food when a fly landed on the can and laid its eggs.

Once the eggs hatch, the maggots feed on any organic matter they can find – including cat food.

While maggots are not harmful to cats, they can cause an upset stomach if your pet eats too many of them.

So if you see maggots in your cat’s food, discard the affected portion and wash the can before using it again.

And be sure to keep your garbage can lid shut tight – otherwise, you may end up with more unwanted houseguests!

One of the best ways to keep maggots out of your cat’s food is to store it in a sealed container. Plastic air-tight containers or glass jars work well for this. If you’re using dry food, keep it in a tightly sealed bag as well.

If maggots do manage to get into your pet’s food, throw it away and start fresh with a new batch. 

It’s also important to keep your home clean and free of potential breeding grounds for flies. This means regularly cleaning up any spills or garbage and often taking out trash.

You may also consider covering your trash can with a lid or screen.


If you follow these steps, you can help prevent maggots from forming in your cat’s food.

Maggots are gross, but you can avoid them with some simple precautions!

If your cat eats a maggot or two, it will pass through the digestive tract as undigested food.

At the most, your cat may suffer from an upset tummy. See a vet immediately if you think your cat has eaten too many maggots and is feeling sick.

Thanks for reading! We hope this article was helpful.

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