How To Free A Cat Stuck In A Wall

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Written By Editorial Staff
Reviewed By Matt Cook

Veterinary Experts

If you have a cat, you know they love exploring. Unfortunately, this can sometimes lead them into trouble. If your cat gets stuck in a wall, don’t worry – we’re here to help! Let’s learn how to free a cat stuck in a wall!

Cats are curious by nature and will often find themselves in places where they don’t belong.

For example, they’ll want to investigate if they see an open hole in a wall.

When they see space to get into the wall, they’ll rush in and try to explore the tiny area, eventually getting themselves stuck.

If your cat happens to get stuck in a wall, don’t panic! There are a few things you can do to help them out.

How Do Cats Get Stuck In Walls?

There are a few ways cats can get stuck in walls. The first is by crawling through an opening that’s too small.

They may see a small space and think they can squeeze through, but sometimes they get stuck.

The second way is by falling into an open hole. This usually happens when the cat is chasing something and doesn’t see the hole until it’s too late.

The third way cats can get stuck in walls is by getting wedged between two pieces of furniture. This often happens when they’re trying to climb up or jump down and misjudge the distance.

How To Free A Cat Stuck In A Wall!

It happens more often than you might think – a curious cat finds an opening in a wall and gets stuck.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic! There are a few simple steps you can take to free your furry friend.

First, assess the situation. Is your cat stuck in a narrow space between two walls, or does it have enough room to turn around?

If it’s the latter, gently coax your cat into reversing direction. You may need to provide some treats or toys as motivation.

If your cat is wedged in a tight spot, you’ll need to create some additional space. Gently insert a putty knife or flathead screwdriver into the crack and pry the walls apart slightly.

Once there’s enough room, reach in and guide your cat out. Be careful not to cause any injuries in the process.

If you are still not able to free your cat, try to remain calm because if you panic, your cat will likely become more agitated, making it harder to get them out safely.

If they appear to be wedged in tight, it’s best not to try and pull them out forcefully as this could injure them. Instead, see if you can gently loosen the area around them so they can wiggle out on their own.

Finally, if all else fails, call a professional. An animal rescue worker will have the experience and knowledge necessary to safely extract your cat from the tight space.

They may have to break open a section of the wall panel to safely take out your cat from the wall, so be mentally prepared to spend some money on fixing and redecorating the wall.

How Do You Lure A Cat Out Of The Wall?

The one trick that always works to lure a cat from the wall is with treats.

Cats have a strong sense of smell, so the scent of their favorite treat may be enough to persuade them to come out of hiding.

With a little patience and perseverance, you should be able to coax your cat out of the wall.

If your cat is stuck in a wall and you can’t seem to get them out, don’t hesitate to call a professional.

How Do You Find A Cat Trapped In A Wall?

When a cat goes into the wall, it can be difficult to get them out. The first thing you need to do is figure out where they are. You can do this by listening for meowing or scratching sounds.

If your cat has a bell collar or GPS collar, you may be able to use that to track their location.

Once you have located the general area, you need to create an opening that is big enough for the cat to fit through. This can be done by cutting a hole in the drywall or removing a baseboard.

Once you have created an opening, you need to entice the cat to come out. This can be done by placing their favorite toys or food near the hole.

You may also need to call their name or make some other noise to get their attention.

Some people prefer using a cat trap to lure the cat out of the wall. With patience and perseverance, you should be able to lure the cat out of the wall and back into your arms.

Who To Call If Your Cat Is Stuck In The Wall?

If you can’t seem to get your cat out of the wall on your own, it’s best to call a professional.

An animal rescue worker will have the experience and knowledge necessary to safely extract your cat from the tight space.

They will also be able to assess the situation and determine if there are any injuries.

While it may be tempting to try and rescue your cat on your own, it’s best to leave it to the professionals. They have the tools and expertise necessary to get the job done quickly and safely.

A DIY approach usually does not work in scenarios where you have to cut open a wall or pry something apart.

People end up with damage to their electrical cabling and other items such as gas pipes. It may result in far more expenditure than simply calling a professional to do the job.


If your cat has found its way into a wall, don’t panic! There are a few simple steps you can take to free them.

If you’re not able to get them out on your own, call a professional. With patience and some help, you’ll have your furry friend back in no time. Thanks for reading!

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