Bearded dragons are one of the most popular pet lizards. They are fascinating creatures that can be pretty entertaining to watch. But one question many people have is, can bearded dragons throw up, and what to do if your bearded dragon threw up. In this article, we’ll discuss why bearded dragons might vomit and how to help them if they do.
Bearded dragons make up for adorable pets, and their popularity has increased over the years in the United States. As a beardie owner, I was surprised one day to find that my bearded dragon had thrown up all over the place. I had no idea what to do back then! It was a new experience for me. And if you are like me, you too would’ve googled “bearded dragon throwing up,” and it seems like there isn’t a lot of information out there about this topic. So I have decided to write a detailed dedicated post based on my experience.
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Can Bearded Dragons Throw Up?

Surprisingly yes, bearded dragons can and do throw up. While most animals will vomit to purge their system of whatever is making them sick, some reptiles – like bearded dragons – cannot do so. This is because they lack the ability to expel food and other content from their stomachs through vomiting. Instead, they must rely on other methods, such as regurgitation and defecation, to rid their bodies of whatever is making them ill.
Difference between vomiting and regurgitation:
Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. It is a reflex controlled by the brain and is often brought on by sickness or ingestion of toxins.
Regurgitation, on the other hand, is the passive expulsion of stomach contents through the mouth. It is not a reflex and is often seen in reptiles or young animals who are still learning how to eat.
In most cases, when a bearded dragon throws up, it is regurgitation and not vomiting. This is because bearded dragons do not have the ability to vomit.
However, there are some exceptions. For example, if a bearded dragon ingests something that is poisonous or harmful, it may experience vomiting as its body tries to get rid of the toxin. This is a very serious situation, and you should take your bearded dragon to the vet immediately if this occurs.
What Causes Bearded Dragons to Throw Up?
There are several different reasons why a bearded dragon might throw up. The most common reason is that they have eaten too much food or too fast. When this happens, the food can get stuck in their throat, or they may regurgitate their entire meal.
Another common reason for bearded dragons to throw up is stress. Bearded dragons are very sensitive to changes in their environment, and if they are not comfortable, it can lead to stress. This can be caused by a number of things, such as a new pet in the house, a move to a new home, or a change in routine. Stress can also be caused by a lack of hiding places, too much handling, or being around loud noises.
In some cases, bearded dragons may throw up because they have a respiratory infection. This is often caused by a bacteria or virus and can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as wheezing, sneezing, and discharge from the nose or eyes. If your bearded dragon has any of these symptoms, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible.
Another possible reason for bearded dragons to throw up is impaction. This can happen if they eat something that they are not supposed to, such as sand, dirt, or small rocks. It can also be caused by eating too much of a certain food, such as lettuce. Impaction can block the digestive tract and cause your bearded dragon to throw up.
Last but not least, bearded dragons may throw up due to a parasite infection. This is often seen in wild-caught bearded dragons and can be very serious. Parasites can cause a variety of problems, such as weight loss, diarrhea, and vomiting. If you think your bearded dragon has a parasite infection, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible.
In some cases, a bearded dragon may appear to be vomiting, but this is usually just a result of an excess of saliva being produced in response to sickness. While it may be alarming to see your pet reptile producing large amounts of saliva, rest assured that it is simply their way of dealing with the situation.
They might do this for various reasons such as:
- Eating too fast and gulping down a lot of air
- Eating something that doesn’t agree with them
- Having a parasite or infection
- Being stressed out
- Impaction
- Dehydration
- Digestive problems
My Bearded Dragon Threw Up
Now What? First and foremost, do not panic. The first thing you should do is take a step back and assess the situation. Try to determine what might have caused them to throw up in the first place.
One day, I came home from work to find my bearded dragon, Spike, looking a little sick. I wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, but I knew something was up because he hadn’t moved from his perch all day. When I got closer, I saw that he had thrown up all over the place! At first, I was worried, but after doing some research online, I found out that this is a common occurrence for bearded dragons and usually isn’t anything to worry about. It seems like he had eaten too much too fast.
If you are facing a similar situation, follow the steps below.
If your dragon has eaten too much or too fast, there is no need to be concerned. Just make sure that they have plenty of water to drink and that they can digest their food properly.
If you think that the cause might be stress, try to make some changes to their environment. This could include adding more hiding places, letting them out of their enclosure for some exercise, or reducing the amount of handling they receive.
If you think that the cause might be an infection, take them to the vet as soon as possible. They will be able to prescribe the proper course of treatment and get your bearded dragon back on the road to recovery.
4 Types Of Bearded Dragon Regurgitation!
Bearded dragons are very good at hiding their illnesses. So when they do show signs of being sick, it can be quite a shock. One of the most alarming symptoms of illness in bearded dragons is regurgitation. But don’t worry; we’re here to help you understand what it is and what you can do about it.
There are four main types of bearded dragon regurgitation:
Bearded Dragon Throwing Up Undigested Food!
The first type of regurgitation is when your bearded dragon throws up undigested food. This can be a sign that they are eating too fast or gulping down a lot of air. On the other hand, it can also be a sign that they are eating something that doesn’t agree with them. If this is the case, you should take a closer look at their diet and make sure that they are getting the proper nutrition.
Bearded Dragon Vomiting Clear Liquid!
The second type of regurgitation is when your bearded dragon vomits clear liquid. This can be a sign of dehydration or a parasite infection. If you think your bearded dragon is dehydrated, give them plenty of water to drink. If you think that they might have a parasite infection, take them to the vet as soon as possible.
Bearded Dragon Throwing Up Blood!
The third type of regurgitation is when your bearded dragon throws up blood. This can signify a serious infection or liver issues and should be treated by a vet as soon as possible.
Bearded Dragon Regurgitating Green Liquid!
The fourth and final type of regurgitation is when your bearded dragon regurgitates green liquid. This usually results from mucus production in response to respiratory infection. If you think your bearded dragon has a respiratory infection, take them to the vet as soon as possible.
While it can be alarming to see your bearded dragon regurgitating, it is important to remember that they are just trying to get rid of something that doesn’t agree with them.
How to Prevent Bearded Dragons from Throwing Up?
The best way to prevent bearded dragons from throwing up is to feed them a well-balanced diet and ensure they are not overfed. You should also provide hiding places to reduce stress and ensure their environment is not too loud or chaotic.
If you think your bearded dragon might be sick, the best thing to do is to take them to the vet. They will be able to determine the cause of the problem and provide the best course of treatment.
So, can bearded dragons throw up? Yes, they can. But don’t worry, it’s usually not anything serious. Just keep an eye on them and take them to the vet if you think something might be wrong. Thanks for reading!
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