If your cockatiel has repeatedly been sneezing, it can be worrying. You may be wondering if there is something wrong with your bird. This blog post will discuss ten possible causes of cockatiel sneezing. We will also provide tips on how to treat the issue. So, if you have been noticing your cockatiel sneezing a lot lately, keep reading!
A Cockatiel will repeatedly sneeze for one of three reasons:
- It is sick
- It has a Vitamin A deficiency
- Something is irritating it nasal passage
If you think your bird may be sick, take it to the vet as soon as possible. Sneezing is just one symptom of many potential illnesses. Some of the most common diseases that can cause cockatiels to sneeze are:
- Chlamydiosis
- Psittacosis
- Candidiasis
- Bacterial infections
If your cockatiel is sneezing and has other symptoms, such as a loss of appetite, weight loss, diarrhea, or discharge from the nose or eyes, it may have an infection and require antibiotics.

A Vitamin A deficiency can also cause cockatiels to sneeze. This is because a lack of Vitamin A can cause the bird’s respiratory system to become inflamed. If you think your cockatiel may be deficient in Vitamin A, you can give it a supplement or feed it foods that are high in this nutrient, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and dark leafy greens.
Something that is irritating the nasal passage can also cause a cockatiel to sneeze. This could be dust from the food bowl, feathers from a new toy or cage perch, smoke from candles or incense sticks burning nearby in your home, ammonia fumes that build up inside its enclosure if it is dirty, etc. The most prevalent reason is that their feathers are clogged with powdery debris, which lodges in their sinuses.
If you think something is irritating your cockatiel’s nasal passage, try to remove the cause of irritation and keep its cage clean. You should also provide it with a toy or two that has feathers on them so that they can preen their nose when needed. A good example would be The Perch Sitter, which comes with a built-in feather toy.
If you have tried all of the above and your cockatiel is still sneezing, it may be wise to take it to the vet for a checkup. The vet can rule out any serious health conditions and provide you with medication if necessary.
The following are the Top Ten reasons why your cockatiel is repeatedly sneezing.
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Possible Cause #01: Allergies
If your cockatiel is sneezing due to allergies, he will likely also be experiencing other symptoms such as itchy eyes and a runny nose. The best way to treat allergies in birds is by giving them allergy medication or supplements. Speak to your veterinarian about the best option for your bird.
Possible Cause #02: Dust
Dust can be a major irritant for birds and can cause them to sneeze. To reduce the amount of dust in your bird’s environment, make sure to clean his cage regularly and keep all surfaces dusted. You may also want to consider using an air purifier to help remove allergens and dust from the air.
Possible Cause #03: Infection
If your cockatiel has a respiratory infection, he will likely be sneezing frequently. Other symptoms of respiratory infections include coughing, wheezing, and labored breathing. If you think your bird may have an infection, take him to your vet as soon as possible.
Antibiotics will likely be prescribed, and you may also want to purchase probiotics to help restore the balance of good bacteria in your gut after taking antibiotics.
Possible Cause #04: Bacteria or Mold
If there is bacteria or mold in your bird’s environment, he may repeatedly be sneezing. To prevent bacteria and mold from forming, always make sure that your bird’s water is fresh, clean his cage regularly, and thoroughly dry the interior of his cage after cleaning. If you think your bird may have a bacterial or fungal infection, take him to your vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Possible Cause #05: Allergies to Bird Food
Your cockatiel may be sneezing because he is allergic to his bird food. If this is the case, you will need to find a new brand of food that does not contain any ingredients that your bird is sensitive to or allergic to. You can also try adding supplements like brewer’s yeast and garlic to help alleviate the symptoms of allergies.
Possible Cause #06: Respiratory Irritants
If your cockatiel is around any respiratory irritants, he may repeatedly be sneezing. The most common respiratory irritants for birds are perfume and air fresheners. If you use these products in your home, try to keep your bird’s environment as free from them as possible. You can also try using an air purifier to remove harmful chemicals from the air.
Possible Cause #07: Parasites
Parasites like lice and mites can cause a cockatiel to sneeze. If you think your bird may have parasites, take him to your vet for treatment. The most common way to treat parasites is with an insecticide spray or powder that you can purchase at the pet store. You should also clean out his cage and wash all of his bedding in hot water and dish soap to kill any remaining parasite eggs.
Possible Cause #08: Respiratory Diseases
If your cockatiel has a respiratory disease such as chlamydiosis or mycoplasmosis, he will likely be sneezing frequently. Other symptoms include coughing, wheezing, and labored breathing. If you think your bird may have a respiratory disease, take him to your veterinarian right away so he can diagnose the problem and prescribe appropriate treatment.
Possible Cause #09: Respiratory Tract Infection
If your cockatiel has a respiratory tract infection, he will likely be sneezing frequently. Other symptoms of this condition include coughing, wheezing and labored breathing. If you think your bird may have a respiratory tract infection, take him to the vet for diagnosis and treatment.
Possible Cause#010: Trauma or Injury to the Head or Nose Area
Your cockatiel may be sneezing because he recently experienced head trauma or injury in the nose area. This can occur if he flew into something hard like a wall or windowpane while flying around in his cage too quickly (for example). You should watch him closely to make sure he doesn’t experience any further problems in the future.
Conclusion: Why Is My Cockatiel Repeatedly Sneezing?
Hopefully, by now, you have a better idea of why your cockatiel is sneezing so much. If you still aren’t sure what’s causing the problem, take him to his veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible before it gets any worse!