Why Does My Dog Lick My Pillow: The Surprising Science Behind Canine Behavior

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Written By Editorial Staff

Veterinary Experts

Do you ever wonder why your dog licks your pillow? It’s strange behavior, isn’t it? However, dog licking is a very common behavior, and there are many reasons why dogs may do it. In this blog post, we will discuss the science behind canine licking and provide some insight into what may be motivating your dog to lick your pillow!

One of the most common reasons for dog licking is that they enjoy the taste or texture of what they are licking. Dogs have a very keen sense of smell, and they can often detect subtle differences in taste that humans cannot. This means that if your pillow has a particularly interesting or pleasing scent to your dog, they may be motivated to lick it! Additionally, some dogs simply enjoy the act of licking themselves. It feels good to them and provides a sense of comfort.

Dog licking can also be motivated by anxiety or stress. For example, if your dog is feeling anxious, they may lick their lips as a way to self-soothe. This behavior is similar to how humans might bite their nails when they’re feeling stressed. Additionally, dogs may lick objects as a way to diffuse tension or nervous energy. For example, if your dog is licking your pillow, they may feel stressed or anxious and are using licking to cope.

Finally, some dogs may lick objects as a form of attention-seeking behavior. If your dog feels like they are not getting enough attention from you, they may start licking things to get your attention. This is most likely to happen if you have been ignoring your dog or if you have been spending less time with them than usual.

If your dog is licking your pillow, there could be any number of reasons why. Dog licking is a common behavior that can be motivated by many different factors. In most cases, there is no need to be concerned. It is an expression of joy and submissive behavior.

However, if you notice your dog licking excessively or if the behavior seems to be causing them distress, it’s always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian. They can help you rule out any underlying medical conditions and guide how to best address the behavior.

Why does my dog lick my pillow? 

Your dog licks your pillow because they may enjoy the salty taste of dead skin cells on your pillow. Your body odor on your pillow is what attracts your dog which is why they end up licking your pillow. This activity is generally harmless.

Why Does My Dog Lick My Pillow
Why Does My Dog Lick My Pillow?

Why does my dog lick where I sleep?

They may be just picking up some left over food crumbs from your bed.

Your dog may be trying to tell you that there’s something wrong with their sleeping arrangements. They may be too hot, cold, or uncomfortable.

Why is my dog licking pillows and blankets?

Your dog may lick your pillows and blankets as they are attracted to your smell in these items. A dog licking your pillow and blankets maybe a symbol of love.

Sometimes, it can also be motivated by anxiety or stress. If your dog is licking your pillow, it’s possible that they are feeling stressed or anxious and are using licking as a way to cope. Dog licking can also be a sign of attention-seeking behavior. If your dog feels like they are not getting enough attention from you, they may start licking things in an attempt to get your attention.

This is most likely to happen if you have been ignoring your dog or if you have been spending less time with them than usual.

If your dog is licking excessively, it’s always good to consult with your veterinarian. They can help you rule out any underlying medical conditions and provide guidance on how to best address the behavior.

Why does my dog constantly lick my bedsheets?

Dogs lick bed sheets for several reasons. The most likely reason is that your dog is attracted to your smell on the bedsheets. Dog licks your bed sheet because of your odor coming from skin cells, hair, or other materials. 

Another possibility is that your dog is trying to tell you that something is wrong with their sleeping arrangements.

How to stop my dog from licking my bed?

If you want to stop your dog from licking your bed, you should start by taking away their access to the bed. This means keeping them out of the bedroom or putting a barrier around the bed.

You can stop your dog from licking your pillow or bed by training them properly.

You can also try to redirect their attention with toys or puzzle feeders. If the licking is motivated by anxiety, you may need to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist to help address the underlying issue.

Final thoughts on dog licking your pillow

Licking is a canine imperative. It’s said that once dogs start licking, they fall into this relaxing trance and can’t stop themselves from tasting whatever sensation their tongue detect on your skin or fabric surfaces like pillows cases for example! Does your bed taste just like you? I bet so- since it would be covered in saliva after all.

So why do dogs lick our pillows? It seems to be a habit that is driven by several factors, including attraction to our smell and wanting to taste us (or at least something we’ve been in contact with).

Dog licking pillows can be a normal behavior. You can easily trace it down to certain aspects such as Make up residue, fabric softener, lotions, food crumbs, stains, pet smells, body fluids. Did you feed your dog a bone on the pillow? It is possible that the lingering smell of the bone is what is attracting it.

If you’re finding your dog is licking your pillow more than usual, it might be worth trying a little experiment – keep a pillow cover away from him when you’re not around and see if he still tries to lick them. If he does, then it’s likely that your scent is really attracting him! Thanks for reading!

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